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Aslam Hussein fashion show at The Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the United Nations

General Ambassador Shevendra Silva 

       Extravaganza,style and amazing quality time  this is how i can describe my  evening at Aslam HUSSEIN fashion show at The Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the United Nations,NY .He is Sri Lanka leading designer  and his fashion show was an historic event -was first time when a designer from Sri Lanka present his collections in USA!
         Ambassador  Major Genaral Shavendra Silva and his beautiful fiance Sujee Nelsson was our honorable  hosts and they make sure everybody have a quality time!  They  have  a lot of very important guests,celebrities and dignitaries who come to support this amazing event:Rita Cosby,Dr. Wije Kottahachchi, Tomaczek Bednarek,Jamie Wyser-Pratte and Guy Wyser-Pratte ,Karin Wyser-Pratte, Alexandra Popescu York......
          Fashion Coordinator Aurora C Aquino deliver  a quality fashion show like always,choosing the best of the best in all she do...she  had a  nice surprise  getting a  award  in gratitude for being a amazing coordinator!
       Aslam Hussein  design capture as with the beautiful vibrant colors,beautiful fabrics,glamorous dresses and jewelry!beautiful breath taking dresses who capture our eyes and our heart!
      General Silva   surprise us  with a  beautiful  award ceremony  for all his great guests who make this event possible ,some of them traveling direst from Sri Lanka special for this event
    Congratulation for Sri Lanka ,congratulation General Ambassador Silva ,congratulation Aslam Hussein!
Great ,great event.! Respect!

Designer Alexandra Popescu -York

                                                         Guy Wyser -Pratte speech

                                                            Rita Cosby beautiful speech

 Sujee Nelsson Award ceremony

Aurora C Aquino Award ceremony

Gabriela and Aurora C Aquino

Karen Opong,Dahana and Aslam Hussein

General Ambassador Shevendra Silva, and Richard  Warner


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