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DM Fashions-Diva Moving Forward fashion show in Fashion On The Hudson 7

DMochelle Fashions is owned by Donna Michelle Kittrell, her passion is to help heal the wounds of hurting people inward part as well as the outward appearance. She has been one who has worked all of her life surrounded by wounded hurt people. Donna Michelle has a background of Retail with Ten years of management and managing stores. Her experience in retail working for Victoria Secret and Nordstrom as a Bra Specialist Fitter. The amazing experience of having the patience with taking time spending with client who had Mastectomy surgery needs special attention. It was delightfully filling when they would walk out of my presence feeling great with smile after the tears and the feeling embarrassed. She also worked for New York Presbyterian Hospital with the Breast Clinic. I wanted to bring sunshine to their faces. Donna Michelle also have had very close family and friends who members have passed away from breast cancer
Dmochelle was present with her gorgeous collection at  Fashion On The Hudson 7 Fashion Festival    and she bring a great energy,color and hope for all fashion lovers!

Photo :Mr Don
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