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Jessica Kolakoski- model

 Jessica Kolakoski. I am 35 years old and a single, working mother of 2. Athletics has always
been a part of my life. I started playing baseball and basketball at the ripe, young age of 5 and now at
35, I am still doing all the same things I loved, plus more. I am a surfer. I golf, play flag football, and play
in 2 different women’s basketball leagues. Furthermore, I just received my referee certification as well.
Even with all of these activities, I have always made time to work out and now at 35, I am in the best
shape of my life.
I started my fitness journey in November of 2015. I had just finished recuperating from hip surgery in
July of 2015. I was the heaviest I had ever been at 175lbs. I looked in the mirror one day and decided it
was time to make a change and it has been lights out ever since. In the first year, I lost 30lbs. I was
eating correctly and working out 6-7 times a week. I started by using the Beachbody programs. I started
with Shaun T’s, T25, then his Insanity Max 30. I then completed P90x3, Body Beast, and Hammer and
Chisel. Due to my work schedule and my children’s schedule, all of my working out was done at home. I
honestly never thought I could have the success I did working out at home. Each month, I saw my body
changing and it motivated me to see how far I could go with this.
I am currently 141lbs, standing 5’11”, blonde hair, hazel eyes, with six pack abs and toned arms and legs.
I continue to find a way to change my body only for the better. During this journey, I have become an
avid runner as well. I have participated in numerous 5K races and I have completed my first ever half
marathon this September. I am always finding another challenge to conquer. This attitude had led me
into fitness modeling and fitness competitions. I have a friend who constantly shows me pictures of fit
women modeling for different companies and agencies and he always said, “Why can’t this be you?” It
got me thinking and I decided to reach out to a friend who is a photographer and asked if he would take
pictures of me. He took my first set of fitness photos and I have had 3 photo shoots since.
In September, I had the opportunity to meet Nataljia Liberacki, World Imperial Beauties Miss Poland and
Miss Congeniality2017, Awarded Plus Model and Blogger. I am her daughters’ pre-k teacher. I spoke
with Nataljia about my goals of becoming a fitness model and asked her for her guidance and support
with the appropriate steps to take to try to make this dream a reality. I shared my photos with her and
she was kind enough to share them with some of her connections in New York City. We continue to
communicate weekly and she has been a huge supporter and continues to work with me to get my
name and face out there for companies and agencies to see.
Not only do I want to pursue fitness modeling, but most of all, I want to motivate other women. I want
other women to believe they can make a change for the better in their lives too. Though we have busy
lives, if we make the time, believe in the process, and believe we can make the change, it will happen. I
will continue to progress forward in my goal of becoming a fitness model. In April, I am highly
considering participating in my first ever fitness competition. I will not settle, I will not be mediocre.
Once I put my mind to something, I need to make it happen. Failure is not an option. I will continue to
pursue fitness modeling and work towards competing in my first fitness competition. “It comes down to
one thing- HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT.”

Facebook- Kolakoski Jess
Instagram - @jess_surf24
Twitter - @surfnjezze24


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