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National Council of Women of the U.S. -Celebrating 125 Years of Service-Reception

      About The National Council of Women of the US: is the oldest nonpartisan, nonsectarian, voluntary women's organization in the US.  It retains 501(c)3 charity, nonprofit status and is in consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council and the UN Department of Public Information.  The Council, in partnership with its affiliates, has installed over 80 water wells in Ghana, provided "Mama Kits" for women giving birth in rural areas, and is embaring on a program of "New Life" to assist young women in Malawi who have undergone surgery for fistula.
        Initiated by Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton in 1888, the National Council continues to address the issues challenging women and girls today.  Its mission is to address the diverse concerns of women in pursuit of social, economic and political equaltiy while serving as a united voice and forum to promote progressive ideas and influence policy decisions that affect human rights.
    This year was a  125th Anniversary of Service  Celebration ,and Friday evening  was held a reception at South African Embassy coordinated by  amazing  events and fashion producer AURORA C. AQUINO and her  volunteers !
Designer Alexandra Popescu -York was present at this event to support this great celebration and she  had the pleasure to dress the event coordinator Aurora C. Aquino !
        A lot of important guests was there to attend and support  this amazing event: Consul General of Singapore Yuin-LynNg, General Ambasador Shavendra Silva - Sri Lanka, former Ambasador Isaiah Chabalah of Zambia..!


With Mary E.SINGLETARY-Presitent of National Council of Women of the U.N.

Gabriela  with amazing  artist Alexandra Popescu-York  and Robell Wondwosen

South African Consul General George Moneyemangene 

former Ambassador of Zambia -Isaiah Z. Chabala

Gabriela  with talented Fashion designer Alexandra Popescu York and Event Coordinator  Aurora O. Cabrales Aquino who is wearing a dress design by Alexandra 

Karen B. Opong , designer Alexandra Popescu -York and event producer Barbara Koning

Gabriela (PR) and Bernard K. LEGODY
South African Consul


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