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„Towards Progress in the Post-2015 Development Agenda and Climate Change Issues”at United Nations

Alaturi de Ambasador extraordinar si plenipotentiar, Reprezentantul Permanent al Romaniei la ONU, New York:JINGA ION , Ambasador Umanitar Aurora Aquino si alti oaspeti extraordinari

  International Art Exhibition at the United Nations Headquarters in New York organized by   "Inter Art" Foundation

„Towards Progress in the Post-2015 Development Agenda and Climate Change Issues”at the United Nations Headquarters in New York

The „Inter Art” Foundation was invited for the 3rd time to organize an international art exhibition at the United Nations Headquarters in New York in December 2015. This project is dedicated to the 70-th Anniversary of the United Nations, the 60-th Anniversary of Romania as a United Nations member state and, at the same time, to a highlight of the year at the United Nations :
„Towards Progress in the Post-2015 Development Agenda and Climate Change Issues”.
The event is a complex exhibition and brings together 52 artists from 33 countries from all continents.
I am happy to represent my native country, Romania in this international exhibition.
Place: United Nations Headquarters, New York, Curved Wall area of the Conference Building, first floor.
Organizer: "INTER-ART" Foundation Aiud
In partnership with:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs­ Romania, Permanent Mission of Romania to the United Nations, Romanian Cultural Institute, Department for Interethnic Relations­ General Secretariat of the Government of Romania, Alba County 
Council, City hall­ Local Council Aiud, „Liviu Rebreanu” Cultural Center Aiud

Organizers of the projects

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania 

Permanent Mission of Romania to the United Nations

"Inter-Art" Foundation Aiud, Romania

Stefan Balog,Ioan Hãdãrig,Robert Lixandru

Romanian Cultural Institute, New York

Department for Interethnic Relations, General Secretariat of the Government, Romania

"Liviu Rebreanu" Cultural Center Aiud, Romania 

thanks photographers :Iulian Popa,Paul Kim 


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