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Meet Nataljia Liberacki Miss Poland -bio

'I am graciously Releasing Nataljia’s Survivor Journey Documentary''

My #1 DREAM was to become a “ MOTHER”. I was determined to hear
a voice call me “Mommy”. I always wanted to have a beautiful child. I
am thankful every day for my beautiful blessing.  I would not be here
writing at this very moment! It was the week before Christmas of 2013.
I was rocking my daughter " Nataljia" to sleep. I decided to change her
and lay her to bed. When I started to change her she kicked my left
breast. This was her favorite side for feeding. The next morning I woke
up and there was a blood stain on my nightgown. The blood stain was
located on my left breast.  I thought 'wow she kicked me very hard!" I
went to the bathroom to evaluate my breast. There was blood coming
out. The next day on Monday morning I contacted my Ob-gyn. He then
referred me to a Breast Specialist. She took blood smears slides to get
analyzed. Sure enough more tests were to follow. I went for my
mammogram coming out needing a (FNA) Fine Needle Aspiration
I have to admit, this was a very intense moment of my life.  All I could
think about...Am i going to die!? My mind was racing rapidly about my
daughter Nataljia and my family. At that time Nataljia was only 8
months old. Nataljia was born on April 26th 2013. My (FNA) biopsy was
performed on December 27th 2013. The report was ready on
December 30th, 2013.  The results were Atypical Papillary Neoplasm. At
that point I decided to switch my care to another medical facility.  I was
connected to a great Surgeon.  She was and still is today so kind and
patient with me. She naturally offered me the same date and time as
the other facility, for my lumpectomy. My surgery was now scheduled
for Martin Luther King Day, on January 21st 2013.  Of course I obliged....
The cysts dimensions that she removed were 0.4 to 0.8 at 11 o'clock on
left breast, located under my areola.  The lumpectomy was successful

with clear margins.  Now it was time for 6 weeks of radiation to begin.
I exposed my body to radiation to increase my percentage rate of
survival. Also to make sure there was no microscopic cancer cells
lingering. I never took a day off during my radiation treatments. After
my treatment I went straight to work. I have been working as an
Essential Key Employee for 17 years in the not for profit sector.  I have
to keep my composure and professionalism.
At this present time I am an Active Advocate for the Body Positive
Movement and Spreading Cancer Awareness!  I started my Modeling
Career with the entry to The Next Face of Torrid Campaign in August
2016. Through participating in this competition my following was
continuing to grow at a steady pace.  I decided to continue my
Modeling, Fashion & Lifestyle Blogging, Cancer Awareness Advocate,
Body Positive Advocate, and Special Needs Advocacy Campaigns.  My
survivor Story has also been digitally published and featured on Cancer
Journey Apps on September 19, 2016.
I have participated in The Warriors Against Cancer Introducing, The
Rainbows Charity Event of Fashion on January 28, 2017 in New Haven,
Connecticut.  I was also Guest Speaker since I am a 3 year Breast Cancer
Survivor, Cancer Awareness Advocate, Body Positive advocate, and
Advocate for the Special Needs. I have been Fashion Blogger for Yoshi B
Models, Mountain Dahwg Entertainment, and Lead Recruiter for State
of Connecticut, “Dew It Classy, BBW Thick N Curvy’ and I been
independently Fashion Blogging on Instagram since August 2016. I was
recognized with a Trophy at the Nyack Film Festival on August 26 th , by
Lena Shockley VP of the East coast Division of Mountain Dahwg
Entertainment. I was Nominated for Best Fashion & Lifestyle Blogger
and Best Plus size Model 2017.

I am Brand Ambassador for Isolia Harris, of Isolicous Fab Shops,
Manhattan, NY. I am Brand Ambassador for Coretta Maria of Flavor of
Fullness, NY. I have been QueenSize Magazine of Freeport, NY, House
Model since February 2017. I will be walking for a New York Fashion
Week Event called Vanyo Fashions Presents, International Fashion &
Arts Week! A
fabulous Couture Designer, Vanny Tousignant is Planning this
grand scale Fashion Show! I am excited to represent for Plus Size
Couture Designer Stacey Hogan, of Built By Stacey, of Milwaukee, WI.
I will also Blog for Diamond Fashion Week in Connecticut. Karlene
Lindssay-Worrell Co-Executive Producer Of Diamond Fashion Week
Invited me to Blog at this all White Affair. I have also networked and
established friendships with various popular labeled musicians in the
industry, local and afar.
I have appeared as Co-Host on the Lena Shockley Youthology Hour
Show.  I have been Co-Hosting with The VP of the East Coast Division of
Mountain Dahwg Entertainment Lena Shockley. This show is Live
Streamed worldwide via The Rockland World Radio website.
This platform averages 100,000 to 300,000 live viewers. Here is where I
have been featured interviewing Vanny Tousignant, Gio Delavicci,
Fatena Qassem, and Svetlana Kramar. I have also Interviewed the
beautiful Gabriela Fit aka Gabriela Sinatra, of Billie Blunt Magazine.
During the interview she invited me to submit and participate in Plus
Size Edition for Billie Blunt Magazine of NY! I am very excited and shall
move forward with this fabulous support for my campaign.
I am also very active with Conducting Red Carpet Interviews with
Mountain Dahwg Entertainment.  I recently participated in a Historical
Event called The 845 Music Award Show in Middletown, NY on May 12,
2017.  This was a very exciting day since it was the 1st Award show in
that town of its kind! All of my footages are found on U TUBE via The
Lena Shockley Youthology Hour.

I became a Published CURVE MODEL in the June 2017 Publication of
Queen Size Magazine.  I was chosen by THE AVENUE to represent the
new LORALETTe Line via photo shoot spread for QUEENSIZE MAGAZINE,
NY. I have been approached by the World Director of World Imperial
Beauties Scholarship Pageant Platform by Shruthi Kapila and also was
invited to Blog for Shruthi Kapila, for her Model Me Now Campaign!
I have competed at the Regency Hyatt Hotel in Orlando, FL., for World
Imperial Beauties Scholarship Pageant, as Miss Poland this July 2017. I
was honored and crowned on July 23rd received World Imperial
Beauties Miss Congeniality 2017! In which during this time my great
friend Andre Brown of Epicscopefilm, NY accompanied me on my Tour
from Manhattan, NY to our destination Orlando, FL. He was there and
fully dedicated to continue capturing footage for my Survivor
Documentary. This documentary will be released at the Nyack Film
Feastival at Rockland World Radio, in Nyack, NY. This is another project
that I would love to complete. I will need assistance via sponsorship to
develop and produce a full documentary of my life events. Andre
Brown of Epicscopefilm is ready to continue filming this project! He has
been a dedicated person to my vision!
I started with only 240 followers in August 2016.  Today August 22nd,
2017, I am now currently at 26k on my Instagram alone! I have been
working diligently on my Branding.   I am an ENTREPRENEUR , full time
Key Essential worker (Aides Special Needs Adults) of 19 years, and a
MOM!  I continue to strive for success and a better future for my
beautiful daughter Nataljia Violet Garcia. She is my inner motivation. I
want her to know, experience and see what it entails being a strong
independent woman and artist in the industry. To be an example of a
strong woman and to persue your “DREAM”. Do not let anything or
anyone stop you!

My overall goal is to give back to the poor via donations and shipping
goods over sea. I also want to give back to Cancer Survivors. I plan to
start a not for profit organization with Private Sponsors and donations.
I want to Wear my Crown with pride, but to also physically and
emotionally give back to the community and abroad. For Collaborating
and to become a Sponsor, please do not hesitate to reach out to me
Now I speak to you from my heart. Always live your life to the fullest.
Enjoy your life while in good health! Do good deeds for others!
I am Thank full for that kick to my left breast! To watch my daughter
grow is my dream come true....If my daughter only knew she saved her
Mother's Life.....
No one could ever tell what I was going through mentally.  Well, that is
another Journey!
Respectfully Submitted
Nataljia liberacki
860-538- 0584
All of these Images are Un Released!!*****
Photos Respectfully Submitted By
203-540- 7805
I invite you to follow my Journey on Instagram.
Search for "@Nataljia" Nataljia Liberacki
Facebook:  Nataljia Liberacki Published Curve Model & Blogger
Send me a Tweet @nataljia1977"
Or Contact

"I am graciously submitting My Survivor Narrative for the Wendy Willians Cancer Survivor Episode"

I was requested to compose in my words.....
Well, Here I go! I always wanted to have a child. I thank "God" everyday for my beautiful lil blessing.  I would not be here writing at this very moment. It was the week before Christmas of 2013. I was rocking my daughter "Nataljia" to sleep. I decided to change her and lay her to bed. When i started to change her she kicked my left breast. This was her favorite side for feeding. The next morning i woke up and there was a blood stain on my night gown. The blood stain was located on my left breast.  I thought "wow she kicked me hard!" I went to the bathroom to evaluate my breast. There was blood definately coming out. The next day on monday morning i contacted my obgyn. He then referred me to a Breast Specialist. She took blood smears slides to get analyzed. Sure enough more tests were to follow. I went for my mammogram coming out needing a (FNA) Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy. I have to admit, this was the most scariest moment of my life.  All I could think about...Am i going to die!? My mind was racing rapidly about my lil Nataljia and my family. At that time Nataljia was only 8 months old. Nataljia was born on April 26th 2013. My (FNA) biopsy was performed on December 27th 2013. The report was ready on December 30th, 2013.  The results were Atypical Papillary Neoplasm. At that point I decided to switch my care to a differant medical facility.  I was connected to a great Surgeon.  She was and still is today so kind and patient with me. She offered me the same date as the other facility, for my lumpectomy. My surgery was now scheduled for Martin Kuther Kings Day.  It was on January 21st 2013.  Of course I obliged....
The cysts dimensions that she removed were 0.4 to 0.8 at 11 o'clock on left breast, located under my areola.  The lumpectomy was successful with clear margins.  Now it was time for 6 weeks of radiation. I  exposed my body to radiation to increase my percentage rate of survival. Also to make sure there were no microscopic cancer cells lingering. I never took a day off during my radiation treatments. After my treatment I went straight to work. I have been working as an Essential Key Employee for 17 years in the not for profit sector.  I have to keep my compusure and professionalism.
At this present time I am an Active Advocate for the Body Positive Movement and Spreading Cancer Awareness!  I started my Modeling Career with the entry to The Next Face of Torrid Campaign in August 2016.  I did not make the Final Cut, but through this competition and my following was continuing to grow at a healthy rate.  I decided to continue my Modeling/Blogging Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign.  My survivor Story has also been digitally Published and featured on Cancer Journey Apps on September 19, 2016.
I will be participating in The Warriors Against Cancer Introducing The Rainbows Charity Event of Fashion on January 28, 2017 in New Haven, Connecticut.  I was also Guest Speaker since I am a 3 year Breast Cancer Survivor.   I have been Fashion Blogger for Yoshi B Models and I been independently Fashion Blogging on Instagram since August 2016.  I started with only 240 followers.  Today May 28th, 2017, I am currently at 21,045 Organic Followers.   

I have appeared on the NMS Youthology Hour Show.  I been Co-Hosting with The VP of the East Coast Division of Mountain Dahwg Entertainment Lena Shockley. This show is Live Streamed worldwide via The Rockland World Radio website.  This platform averages 100,000 to 300,000 live viewers.  I am also very active with Conducting Red Carpet Interviews with Mountain Dahwg Entertainment.  I recently participated in a Historical Event called The 845 Music Award Show in Middletown, NY on May 12, 2017.  This was a very exciting day since it was the 1st Award show in that town of its kind! 

I became a Published CURVE MODEL in the June 2017 Publication of Queen Size Magazine.  I have been approached by the Director of World Imperial Beauties Shruthi Kapila to compete for Miss Poland this July 2017!  I am an ENTREPRENEUR , full time Key Essential worker (Aides Special Needs Adults) of 19 years, and a MOM!
Now I speak to you from my heart. Always live your life to the fullest. Enjoy your life while in good health! Do good deeds for others!
I am greatful for that kick to my left breast! To watch my daughter grow and flourish, is my dream come true....

If my daughter only knew she saved her Mother's Life.....
No one could ever tell what I was going through mentally.  Well, that is another Journey.

Respectfully Submitted
Nataljia liberacki

All of these Images are Un Released!!*****

Photos Respectfully Submitted By

I invite you to follow my Journey on Instagram.
Search for "Nataljia"
Facebook:  Nataljia Liberacki Curve Model

Or Contact
For model bookings - Fashion Blogging - Brand Ambassador
Send me a Tweet @nataljia1977"


  1. Thank you so much for being a supporter of my vision to spread body positivity, love, and Cancer Awareness! Xoxo see you soon!


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