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International model Daiana Canalas at TV reality show ''Puterea Dragostei''

 International fashion model Diana Canalas is a very appreciated Romanian model who participated many seasons at New York Fashion Week where we had the pleasure to meet her and collaborate with her .

Diana had  the pleasure to  walk at New York Fashion Week he fashion week and she collaborated with couture designer Alexandra Popescu -York ,she was one of her exclusive models and she was published in some magazines wearing the designers creations.

Diana was modeling around the world , being appreciated for her professionalism ,these days  Diana is participating at very popular TV  reality show ,,Puterea dragostei'' (the power of love) witch is filmed in Istanbul ,this show bring her a   great experience and a chance to  find  love.

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Diana's plan for 2021 is to continue her modeling career and all the projects she is being  part of Diana's a really beautiful and positive person.

     Diana walking for designer Alexandra Popescu-York at NYFW

Diana with designer Alexandra Popescu-York
Diana with designer Alexandra Popescu-York


                                             Diana with fashion coordinator/model Gabriela Panduru


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