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Chic by Vali Ciobanu fashion show in New York

CHIC is a Romanian (Arad) brand with 25 years ' in the fashion industry , which  create unique pieces for :the theaters, the opera(Vienna),famous people and all the fashion lovers who are her  long time customers !
     Vali Ciobanu is the  owner  and the head designer at this amazing Company , she was my guest in NYC for a summer Fashion show at the Empire Hotel Rooftop a Hillary Flowers Production and a  shoot! 
Working with her i got to  know her better and saw how much she loved what she is doing and she  doing it at the highest level possible.!!!
New York Fashion show was an instant hit  for the designer who will be back soon with another collection!
I want to congratulate her for her amazing work and wish her the best in everything!!



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