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ENDLESS ROMANIA: Flori de IE collection of Cristina Chiriac -at Romanian Cultural Institute New York

Designer Alexandra Popescu York, Model Gabriela Panduru,economist expert Christina Chiriac, IT Nicole Popa,

Model,publicist Gabriela Panduru,  Roamanian Consul General In NY -Ioana Gabriela Costache , Ana Lita,Nicole Popa ,designer Alexandra Popescu York 

Celebrating the National Day of Romania at an amazing Exhibition of Romanian folk costumes from the private collection “Flori de IE” of Cristina Chiriaca  at  Romanian Cultural Institute in New York 
Flori de IE” collection consists of more than 150 unique, vintage and handmade traditional Romanian blouses, with special embroideries made out of cotton and silk thread. Some of them are even over 140 years old. The blouses have been restored, analyzed and certified by an ethnographer, who has also determined their historical value. The pieces come from all the regions of Romania.

At the beginning of 2015, “Flori de IE” collection was completed with a new series of traditional Romanian blouses, reflecting a unique concept, that brings back into light the authentic traditional Romanian blouse and also keeps the original colors and symbols. The old patterns are transferred on new fabric. The newly created blouses are 100% handmade, with delicate materials and rich embroideries, just as the original models.

Ms. Cristina Chiriac, founder and director of “Flori de IE” Association, defines the purpose of her collection this way: “Flori de IE is a concept born out of love, that we want to be discovered by those who love art, beauty, and Romanian traditions. Both the vintage blouses and the new ones, designed after authentic models, illustrate a glimpse of the history of the Romanian people, a long-lasting story. The mission of this project is to continue this story, to promote it all over the world, and to prevent this inestimable Romanian treasure from fading away over time”.

The exposition at the Romanian Cultural Institute in New York will feature a selection of eleven Romanian folk costumes, representative for “Flori de IE” collection. They will be displayed on mannequins. Each piece will be accompanied by explanatory notes, which, in addition to technical data (material, time, ethnographic region of origin), will present to the public the specific “story” of each blouse. The atmosphere of the exhibition will be completed by video projections and old recordings of Maria Tanase and traditional Romanian music.

This event is conceived to celebrate the National Day of Romania and to promote the Romanian blouse as national brand, in the context of contemporary globalization, that tends to blur the images of national identity.
This event have a lot exclusive guests:Designer Alexandra Popescu York,Buisiness Developer Yanny Deconescu,Ana Lita....

For more details, please see:
Photo credit:Iulian Popa
                     Gabriela Panduru


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