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Holiday shelter families  makeover !

Giving back to the community,a full day of volunteering for a huge holidays family’s makeover!!
10 Families from shelters get a total makeover, we bring them donations, dresses ,a ccessories gifts,t hey get the hair and makeup done by professionals after a full photoshoot,video-shoot and interviews by the extraordinary team of #nycshootathon
Huge congratulations to Don Pittman (Mr Don Photos) ,J acqueline Pittman for putting such a great eve for together and thank you for having me to be part of it
Huge thanks to model Gio Delavicci for joining me and donating ,thank you Dave Smith ,Alex ,Wendy Isaac and other part of this great project
Was great to see so many families happy , lady’s having first time ever a total diva look , Kidds full of joy!!
God bless you all!!!
#voluntering #comunity #bbmagazine #misstourismambasador #modeloftheyear #alexandrapopescuyork #models


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